Who Will Own The Metaverse?

Who Will Own The Metaverse?

Metaverse [mɛtəˌvɜːs] (noun) A shared, persistent, virtual, collective space—created by a convergence of virtual reality technologies and the Internet. From Meta (popular speech: beyond, higher, transcendental) and Universe (all that exists in time and space.) Since the beginning of the World Wide Web nearly thirty years…
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A Virtual Masquerade

A Virtual Masquerade

In 18th century Paris, for the Friday evening thrill, you could attend a Masquerade—a social event where guests wore masks to conceal their identity. The masquerades were socially perceived as liberating and stimulating, as you could leave your original identity behind—that old toil you have…
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The Virtually Extended Mind

The Virtually Extended Mind

Virtual Reality technology is wonderful for a philosopher because it brings alive some of the greatest philosophical questions — David Chalmers In the installment from which the above quote was taken, the distinguished philosopher and consciousness researcher goes on to mention Descartes’ suspicion of the external world…
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The Existential Problem of VR

The Existential Problem of VR

Søren Kierkegaard, the father of Existentialism, famously described anxiety, or angst, as the dizziness of freedom. Hardly a cheerful fellow—though his brilliant, satirical wit often forces one to smile—Kierkegaard clearly was no stranger to this “dizziness” he so often spoke of: I see it all perfectly; there…
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From Thought to Reality

From Thought to Reality

VR has the capability of enchanting us. It has the power to introduce us to virtual worlds — and represent our designs in ‘the format of reality’. The content appears non-mediated, something Metzinger relates to the «phenomenal transparency» of the mind — we see «through…
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Philosophy & Science

Philosophy & Science

On our ‘About’ page, we describe Matrise as a blog that focuses on the topics of VR and Consciousness, and the related Science & Philosophy. In this entry, we will discuss why we find both Science & Philosophy essential and how the disciplines compliment each…
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The Mind as Medium

The Mind as Medium

N.B: This post is the third and final post in a series on VR metaphysics; the entries comment upon a metaphysical stand towards VR technology. The two previous posts that precede this one, are linked here:  1) “On Mediums of Abstraction and Transparency“, and  2)…
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The Experience Machine

The Experience Machine

Since Rene Descartes published his Meditations in 1647, the West has been interested in what is real or authentic, and whether any knowledge of this is at all possible. In his text, Descartes outlines the idea of a potential “Evil Deceiver”; a demon that could alter his…
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