[VR, Science, Philosophy]

On our ‘About’ page, we describe Matrise as a blog that focuses on the topics of VR and Consciousness, and the related Science & Philosophy. In this entry, we will discuss why we find both Science & Philosophy essential and how the disciplines compliment each…
Continue reading Philosophy & Science
In this piece, we discuss how we can use a floatation tank to increase our immersion and presence in Virtual Reality. If we look to our glossary, we see Presence within Virtual Reality (VR) defined as the degree to which the subject feels present in the…
Continue reading Virtual Reality & Sensory Deprivation
The most praised ability of Virtual Reality is its capability to immerse the user in a Virtual Environment — to the degree that the subject feels present in it. The magic is to be fooled by the system so that one feels present where one…
Continue reading Virtual Embodiment
Introduction to Mysticism Within Mysticism, the merging of Self and World — Inner and Outer — is seen as the utmost aim. Mysticism can be found within most of the world religions, such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Islam — and its aim is often…
Continue reading Mysticism and Virtual Reality
A few years ago I visited the beautiful scottish city of Edinburgh. Apart from the old pubs, the whisky and its mighty castles, the city also have attractions for those interested in the art of illusion. In a castle on one of the heights of…
Continue reading Camera Obscura and the World of Illusions
In this piece, we will discuss the History of Virtual Reality. In recent years, Virtual Reality (VR) technology has finally reached the masses. 2016 was called “The Year of VR” as several actors released their Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs) on the consumer market. While HTC, Oculus…
Continue reading The History of Virtual Reality
N.B: This post is the third and final post in a series on VR metaphysics; the entries comment upon a metaphysical stand towards VR technology. The two previous posts that precede this one, are linked here: 1) “On Mediums of Abstraction and Transparency“, and 2)…
Continue reading The Mind as Medium
N.B: This post is the second out of three, in a series that comments upon a metaphysical stand towards VR technology. More specifically, it deals with the philosophy of Heidegger in relation to Virtual Reality. The first post, preceding this one, is “On Mediums of…
Continue reading Heidegger’s Virtual Reality
N.B: This blog post is the first of three posts in a series that comments upon a metaphysical stand towards Virtual Reality technology. The posts following these as the second and third, are “Heidegger’s Virtual Reality” and “The Mind as Medium“. 1/3 Technology, in all…
Continue reading On Mediums of Abstraction and Transparency
Since Rene Descartes published his Meditations in 1647, the West has been interested in what is real or authentic, and whether any knowledge of this is at all possible. In his text, Descartes outlines the idea of a potential “Evil Deceiver”; a demon that could alter his…
Continue reading The Experience Machine